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Internal Audit

Internal audit relates to the independent verification and advisory services, aimed to add value and enhance the company’s operations in the areas of risk management, control environment and management process. The primary objectives of the internal audit are as follows:

  • verification and assessment of financial and operational information,
  • review of operational effectiveness,
  • review of compliance with legal and contractual obligations,
  • transactions authorisation review and tests of compliance with internal procedures,
  • review of control environment and the anti-fraud system,
  • review of the operations management,
  • ad-hoc risk reporting and risk mapping,
  • reviews for Sarbanes-Oxley and similar regulations.

Our offer:

The usual deliverables of internal audit services are reports confirming the testing performed and/or reports with recommendations on control environment improvement.



Audit of IT systems
The verification of IT systems mainly relates to:

  • data input (access authorisation, validation procedures),
  • data processing (tests of data processing, authorisation of changes),
  • generated information and reports and their storage security.

The scope of our services also includes other services related to IT systems.

Our offer:

The principal deliverables of the IT systems audits are reports discussing scope of work done, its results and recommendations to improve the IT control environment.


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