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Our team

Wojciech Baucz
Wojciech Baucz - Partner and Board Member, responsible for clients from German-speaking countries. He studied on the University of Passau, Germany and graduated from the Wroclaw Academy of Economics and the law faculty of the Wroclaw University. Certified Auditor with many years of professional experience with international accounting firms Rödl & Partner and Deloitte. Expert in the audit of financial statements prepared in accordance with Polish, German and International Financial Reporting Standards. Speaks fluent German and English, and leads audit and accounting advisory projects for investors from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He is a specialist in construction, automotive and service industries, who published in the economic and accounting press.


Wojciech Baucz is a member of the board (secretary) of the Europa Forum association, the Polish-German Economic Circle in Wrocław.

tel. +48 605 601 963




Ewa Kowalczuk
Ewa Kowalczuk is AVANTA Partner and Management Board Member from July 2013. Ewa is Certified Polish Auditor with more than 20 years of professional experience in advisory and auditing services for public and private companies, both Polish and International. Ewa has a wealth of experience in various sectors, leading audit or advisory projects for construction and real estate, energy, automotive, infrastructure and healthcare entities. Ewa graduated from Warsaw University. As Partner in Ernst & Young from 2001 to 2013, Ewa led the Audit Department in Wrocław in 2004-2013. She speaks fluent English. She is an author of a series of publications, and organizer of training workshops in the field of accounting and financial reporting for companies and city offices.


tel. +48 502 022 622



Piotr Łyskawa
Piotr Łyskawa - Partner and Board Member. He has a number of years of professional experience as audit director and manager with international audit firms (Deloitte and Ernst & Young). He is Certified Auditor and an expert in Polish Reporting Regulations and International Financial Reporting Standards. He speaks fluent English and specializes in energy, automotive, pharmaceutical and service industry. He has led numerous projects of IFRS implementation and IPO assistance. Author of series of publications on IFRS and public listing in the economic and accounting press.


Piotr Łyskawa is an expert on the list of court experts of the Wrocław Regional Court, scope - accountaing,  specialization in commercial law - accounting, mergers, divisions and transformation of commercial companies.


Piotr Łyskawa is a Chairman of the Polish Chamber of Certified Auditors (RO PIBR) in Wroclaw.

tel. +48 605 746 085



Grzegorz Warzocha
Grzegorz Warzocha – Partner and Board Member. Graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) and ESC Tours (France). Certified Auditor with more than 15 years of professional experience in audit services for local and international companies and advisory projects for mineral resources industry, construction and real estate, manufacturing (special economic zones), distribution (retail) and financial services (leasing). Expert in accounting for M&A and special projects. In 2000-2009 Senior Manager, Director and Board Member in Ernst & Young and Deloitte. He is statutory auditor registered in Poland and FCCA member and speaks fluent English and French. Author of financial reporting professional presentations and training workshops. Works closely with local and international industry and commerce organizations and their member firms.


Grzegorz Warzocha is PhD in economics & finance and a works also as a researcher at the University of Economics in Wroclaw.

tel. +48 603 910 177



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