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German desk

German Desk is a group of specialists, who offer their support to investors from German-speaking Countries. German Desk provides professional assistance for companies from various industries. German Desk team members joined AVANTA Audit from international consulting firms of Ernst & Young, Deloitte and Rödl & Partner and have proven track of business experience in audit  services, transaction support and consulting projects for investors from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


We provide expert services in financial accounting and reporting, consulting services, transaction and business valuation support  as well as strategic and operating advisory services.


Our services include:

  • audit and review of financial statements,
  • audit and review of consolidation packages prepared in accordance with:
    - HGB (German Commercial Code - Handelsgesetzbuch, HBII),
    - IFRS (International Accounting Standards / International Financial Reporting Standards),
    - US GAAP (accounting standards applicable in the USA) and the requirements of other national regulations,
  • reports in German and/or English,
  • assistance in preparation of the financial statements and reporting packages for consolidation purposes,
  • IFRS expert services,
  • agreed-upon procedures,
  • Due diligence (financial, business, tax),
  • IPO support,
  • CFO assistance,
  • Interim Management,
  • Training,
  • Workshops.

German Desk team work together  with reputable audit firms and consults in Poland and abroad. We carry out joint projects with auditors from other countries.


German Desk team members speak fluent German and offer efficient communication with investors.


Contact person:
Wojciech Baucz, AVANTA Audit Partner


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